This is the first time I've bin truly truly offended on this site. I hope this is tongue in cheek otherwise I do believe you've found a short cut to thinking.
Either you're an idiot, you're attention starved, or you're both... Either way, you don't HAVE to look at my memes, and you certainly don't HAVE to send me messages... Go AWAY, troll!!!
1 up, 9y
I'm gonna just say you may be young and naive. You may not know the cicumstances as to why a woman is a single mother or a man a single father. There violence, abuse, infedelity, the list goes on. In my case my father died before I had a chance to know him. My mother re-married to a guy I never believed he was anything other than a father figure. There are step parents all over the world who enrich the lives of their blended families and to deny children stability and safety from whatever the circumstances would be wrong and unjust. But thats my opinion...I've said my peace and we shall never speak again. Have a nice life.