can't speak about Native Americans because I have no experience of them, although the little bit of research that I have done on this community has suggested that they have very low violent crime rates despite poverty and a history of terrible mistreatment, so it goes even further toward disproving the poverty causes crime hypothesis. But I know nothing else about them and maybe in their case, discrimination does explain their situation to some significant extent. Or maybe your step-dad's situation was unique in some way. But none of the non-sense in the media is focused on Native Americans. And of course I don't deny that racism and injustice exist exist in the world, but only that it does not go very far in explaining the under-development in the Black community, of which I do have much experience and knowledge, and which is always in the media lime light. In fact, the victim-consciousness, self-entitlement, and racism-paranoia that wealthy white liberals fed to poor blacks has more to do with their under-development than anything else.