It has been more than just them being a jerk. There has been 2 months of harassment, hundreds of harassing meme comments made, multiple lies have been made, and constant use of the down vote button not because I was wrong about anything but because he couldn't handle my opinion which then caused multiple times of putting me in a position of only being able to comment once every 2 hours. And then gets a group of people to help him out in the process. All of this has multiple, with other stuff not mentioned, is in violation of multiple rules of this site. I take one 24 hour time period to flag all his memes to start ruining his experience on this site, and my account gets deleted. Nothing has happened to him except them going through and taking the flags off (so in other words they helped him out even after I have showed them the multiple violations of the rules). So if you were in my shoes and your account got deleted and nothing has happened to the person that has harassed you for 2 months, don't you think you deserve an answer as to why they are not keeping the rules the same for everyone?