NY Times "Republican Candidates Urge Aggressive Response After Paris Attacks," 11/14/2015.
"The GOP’s nightmarish war fantasies: Why the Republican responses to Paris are devastating & incoherent" Salon 11/16/2015
Note Jeb Bush's comments as reported here: "US | Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:39pm EST
Related: U.S., Syria, Iraq--by Reuters.
Exclusive: After Paris, Americans want U.S. to do more to attack Islamic State - poll"
Also, "ISIS Is Not Waging a War Against Western Civilization
A primer for Marco Rubio" The Atlantic--which shows how Rubio and some Republicans are referring to the Islamic State as a "Clash of Civilizations" but who's policy is far from clear.
"We live in an age when evil men have to be killed by good people," Newt Gingrich tweeted. 11/13/2015
Dear Congress, Maybe now would be a good time to authorize that war the U.S. is fighting in Syria. #ParisAttacks Eli Lake
"Reminded in times like this of the people who guffaw at the statement that we either fight them over there or fight them at home" Noah Polak 11/13/15
"Maybe scale of the Paris attack following Russian airline bombing and California terrorist attack will convince our leaders this is real war" Newt Gingrich 11/13/15
""Boots in the ground would probably be important," Carson says of response to terror threats" Carson says 11/13/15 Alexandra Jaffe
"American Conservatives Are Using the Paris Shooting to Call for More War on Terror," Vice, 2015 By Grace Wyler
Politics Editor
I could go on but I think point is well established. It is doubtful that any sort of real invasion will happen even under a full-Republican ran government. However, this talk of being suspicious of Arabic-Muslims, ramping up security around such people, and calling for ever increasing attacks in this region is doing nothing to help solve or even seriously address the issue! Again, you're welcome to check the facts for yourself!