My Ph.D. is in Micro-Economic Geography, I am from a prominent family, and I am an Economist that operates under my family names. Several definitions exist for communism, but I am using the single party socialist state(political-economics). He is a 'professional investor'. He bought coca-cola after coke 2 and dropping sales. So he donates several billions, more than he invested in coca-cola, to various election for democrat governors. Those governors win, coca-cola gets exclusive 'soft-drink' machine rights from those state department of education. Well, coca-cola gets investigated by national democrats in the 90s whom Buffet donates to, and they are not investigated for non-negotiated contracts handed to coca-cola be democrat governors. Coca-cola is investigated as being unhealthy for children to drink. Buffet makes a big stink that it isn't his business model to hurt children, etc, etc. So, Buffet's coca-cola replaces the machines with powerade, because Powerade got what children crave after sports games... Buffet' investment to coca-cola was used to build the Powerade production line before everything. Buffet knows as long as he controls the capital (the states owned the machines/he owned the products inside), the tax system (which he promotes a higher tax system), and a political party (democrats) his life style doesn't change in a single party socialist state.
Watch Idiocracy the whole Brawndo thing was a wink to his Powerade maneuver using politicians and electrolytes.