1. Always be positive - users do not respond to negative comments. Always be polite even to negative comments,.. don't get sucked in by trolls trying to agitate you. ignore trolls and comments that are designed to tick you off. Pretending a troll is not there,.. actually makes him "not there". =) ( I am not saying you do or don't ... just what works)
2. Leaving witty comments / comment memes help too.
3. Upvote memes you comment on - especially comments that users leave on your memes. It encourages them to come check your memes out,... helps to get your name and familiarity out there.
4. Never ask for upvotes. Let users decide. If users think you're here to gather points,.. they are less inclined to give you any.
5. Don't make memes you think users will respond to,.. make memes you like! Have fun!
6. Sometimes it's best to sit on a meme creation for a day before posting it. The next day you may have a better way to word the idea or humor you want to convey. Don't get bogged down on 1 meme,... just submit and see what happens. Don't be discouraged by dry spells either,.. we all have them! Every top user has had very low viewed memes!
Don't worry about points. I personally only look at top user list when I get a new icon. I have looked a few times inbetween to contact a user.... but I could care less if I was ranked last or first. I'm here to have fun and hopefully share my humor / ideas etc.
Keep going... have fun! Everything else will just happen!
Hope to see you in the 1M club soon!