Guys common! Don't be so hard on Timmy. Yes HAIL SATAN AND THE FSM/HIS NOODLY GOODNESS, but if Timmy wants to beleive in a god, thats his choice. He's not gonna understand just yet, but Timmy, Ill explain now. Religion doesn't have everything about it bad, BUT the things that it has caused have made people sick of it. It does have virtues I still take into consideration even as an atheist, but the reason people HATE religion is because 1. A LOT of religious people are HUGE hypicrites 2. RELIGION caused the collapse of the twin towers and YEARS of death and torture to innocent people. 3. It has lots of empty promises and often it seems only the hypicrites and bad guys can use it to their advantage. I used to beleive. Hell, I'm JEWISH by blood, but I gave that stuff up because my dad and step mom FORCED it on me. SHOVED IT into me and my siblings mouth while destroying our social lives, contradicting it's values over and over again, and seemingly selecting parts of it they liked. They were so into it and did so much for god and god hasnt really done much in return. I MYSELF was forced to do so much shit "for god" and nothing changed even after YEARS of pleading, praying, everything I could to prove I was worthy of some sort of blessing, and time and time again, things got worse. I got cheated on (by a "christian"), I have been put down (by people claiming to be religious) and giving up god, i realized that I MYSELF was in control of my life. There is no proof we get rewarded for good deeds. None. People are the worst they can possibly be and then two days later win the lottery, get a nice family etc. nothing bad really happens to them and they die, mean and happy. Then IDK what happens. They may be reincarnated as a RICHER and MEANER person with EVEN MORE LUCK, while people that do all they can to do good and beleive in god get the exact opposite, no compensation whatsoever. Not in their life, not in their next life, never. Me, I do good for the sake of being good. I can end up being lit on fire tomorrow and burned badly and in terrible pain the rest of my life. Will I still be good? Yes. Why? because good is needed and shouldn't have to be rewarded. And the one benefit is that at least the more this happens, the more I can prove god to be wrong and show the evil guys, (often "religious" btw) how stupid they are to belive in their imaginary friend. NOW you understand?? P.S. Satanism rarely worships satan and is mostly just to parody religion from what i no.