You live in the greatest country in the world and call me privileged? Try living in Zimbabwe or Saudi Arabia, and see how much you miss the States and our privileges then.
And I'm all for BC pills and like I said, Pharmacies and Doctors will take up the slack. I care about stopping the murder of unborn humans, what you're sugarcoating by calling abortion, but I still want PEOPLE to get the best health care possible. I don't think it should be free though. But conversely, I don't think a visit should cost more than $50. But that's me, I don't run that business.
I feel you on what you're getting at, but using terms like privileged to describe someone who is only slightly better off than you is not the attitude to have. I mean, you are using the internet. I know several families that have no internet connection other than a public library. They might say that you are privileged.
Either way, of course I want PEOPLE to have great health care at an affordable price and to not have trouble finding a job or buying a house/car. I want that stuff too. I just don't want PP around killing and harvesting infants. :l