Oh, I'm sorry "sista". And by your response I can tell that you've hardly interacted with black people who've got more their mind than when the next Miley Cyrus album is coming out. When I said come out of the house referring to you being a house slave who would gladly shuck and jive and be submissive to those who would oppress you, where we, in the field, would fight for our liberation at all cost. The fact that you couldn't pick up on this leads me to doubt how much you care about the state of our people. And as far as you going to work, school and church I commend you. But your accomplishments probably lead you believe that you are better than your brothers and sisters. As if the rest of us are just some lazy ass welfare recipients, committing crimes and having babies. That's just the mentality of house negroes such as yourself. And for your information I have 3 college degrees and I have served my country honorably as a paratrooper in combat in Iraq. But I don't let these accomplishments blind me to the problems and disadvantages that my people face on a daily basis. I've heard of Martin Luther King Jr. and I admire how he sacrificed his life for the betterment of our people. But unlike you (who probably has no knowledge of our people past MLK) I also remember Marcus Garvey, El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, Fred Hampton, Stokley Carmichael, H. Rap Brown and a host of others who didn't subscribe to the teachings of Dr. King, and were open to other methods of gaining their liberation, that didn't include being the victims of violence by racists and bigots. You say turn my hate around but what make you think I have hate in my heart. Is that something you learned from your white friends and family? That when a black man or woman says that they've had enough of the racism and bigotry, or they try to shed light on real problems facing our people, that they must have hatred in their hearts? Where did you develop your sick logic? It's obvious that you are ashamed of the blackness in you which makes me ashamed of you. You honestly have no idea as to what's going on with our people do you? And then you have the nerve to ask how am I held back. I'm held back when I'm walking down the street, doing nothing wrong and police stop me question, or when they cut off my car on the street, pulled their guns and almost shot me because my cousin and I "fit the description". I would go on but the comment section won't let me. Please pay more attention to your people.