Alright. So would your name happen to be kosheRocker? XD
Anyway, as I look at some comments again, I see that, yes, the Hitler/Jews comments do come now and then, but once again, they don't mean it. Someone would have to be seriously mentally ill if they wanted Hitler back. It's sort of like political memes on the front page: Overused, half funny, satirical and they get annoying pretty quickly.
Anyway, is it weird that, in a way, I want yet don't want trolls to come?
I mean, every site has trolls; it happens to everyone. And while some are disgusting and should go to a special place in Hell, they can be fun to mess with as they let you improve your comeback skills, get free points and just allow for some laughs. Plus, they can bring the whole community together. So they do have their virtues... sort of.
So when we got rid of the major troll and all the alts a few months ago, it was like life suddenly got boring. It was more chaotic, no porn spammers, the world was at peace... but maybe too much so. You know?