True story: Thin person (me) pays $680 for business class seat which presumably includes seat, half of an elbow rest to either side of seat, reasonable carry-on compartment space and leg space directly in front of seat. Obese person also pays $680 for business class seat which presumably includes ONLY seat, half of an elbow rest to either side of seat, reasonable carry-on compartment space and leg space directly in front of seat. Thin person would like to use 100% of space provided by ticket purchase, which is reasonable, fair and logical. However, obese person's fat thighs, fat arms, fat legs and fat shoulders take up 130% of space provided by ticket purchase, thereby encroaching on thin person's space, which is unreasonable, unfair, unethical, impolite, politically incorrect, racist, fascist, narcissistic, impossibly arrogant, overbearing, insolent, annoying as a pimple on a pimple, confounding as a dream within a dream, frustrating as a puzzle within a puzzle within a crossword, highly negative and of wholly ill report. Why should the obese person get to use the hip space purchased by the thin person? Order a meal at a restaurant: $9.99 buys obese person same-sized portion as thin person. Why not on airplanes?