behold! BEHOLD! h're thee can CLEARLY seeth i putteth thee as the like a toad, ugly and venemous 'r offend'd wojack, and i putteth myself as the handsome, buff, coloquially nam'd "chad" wojack, and i putteth text yond did describe MINE OWN opinion above the wojak yond represents ME, and THY opinion (clearly the horror) above the wojack yond represents THEE! so by definition, MINE OWN opinion is objectively sup'riour to thy opinion! i've wonneth the argument, and thus thee cant doth any counteth'r arguments!
behold! BEHOLD! i has't putteth the image i has't madeth into a subreddit full of people with the same opinion as me, and those gents all did agree with the meme! so anon i has't m're people (that just shareth the same opinion as me) yond backeth me up (without ev'r mentioning 'r regarding the people yond backeth THY opinion up)!