This is a whole lot like that rant that "I_AM_A_PROUD_ISIS_SUPPORTER" went off on in response to my comment. In fact, I'll list the similar wording and such.
1. "What the f**k did you just say about me,"
2. "Graduated top of my class,"
3. "involved in numerous secret raids,"
4. "over (insert some multiple of 100 here) confirmed kills,"
5. "top sniper in something-or-other,"
6. "You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, f**ker,"
7. "As we speak I am contacting my network of spies to track you down,"
8. "You're f**king dead, kid,"
9. "I can kill you in 700 different ways, and that's just with my bare hands,"
10. "I have access to the entire arsenal of..."
11. "If only you could have known what unholy retribution your ('smart' or 'clever' - either one works) little comment was about to bring down upon you, perhaps you would have held you f**king tongue."
12. (I_AM_A_PROUD_ISIS_SUPPORTER's parting sentence) "You're f**king dead, kiddo."
So, "whatlef**kdidujust," anything you want to tell us? (PS. I am not taking memewang44's side on this, or anyone's, really. Just noticing the similarities.)