What, that they didn't allow Asians on golf courses or that Harrison Ford crashed a plane (or both) ? If it's the first one, then yeah I know. It's so oddly applied too. I read about a Japanese American soldier in the early 1960s who was stationed in the South. He was in a small town and they had segregated cafes. He wanted to use the bathroom and after some thought he used the "Coloured" bathroom. When he came out there was an angry mob gathered that told him that from now on he had better use the "White" bathroom...or else. Bizarre. I don't live in America so I dunno what the situation is like now. It's almost certainly better, but I wonder sometimes if things are sliding backward - people do talk about "the good old days a lot". If it's about Harrison Ford crashing his plane: I know, weird (and sorry to have wasted your time).