1. " she died." Zombies don't exist. Currently, humans cant bring to life another human back to life. This is false already, and it took only one fact.
2. She cant magically teleport to kill people, because teleporting does not exist. Apparently, she lived in America because "12:00 AM".
3. "Pictures on this site", "u",. They are called memes, and who made this copy pasta doesn't care about grammar, so is an idiot. Idiots make copypastas. Coincidence?
Also, "More-government" Doesn't means anything. "it went wrong the
machine they were using went wrong." it went wrong went wrong doesn't make sense.
4. Saying "This isn't fake." means that's fake automatically.
5. "apparently, if you copy and paste
this to ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow." I don't think comments can affect universe, or interfere with laws of physics.
You are an idiot because you belive in a copypasta.