Yes god/jesus said 'do not rule over them they are my people as everyone is', but both god and jesus ALSO said it is not only okay to own a slave, but it is ok to sexually assualt a slave and beat to death a slave (the latter being attoned by the blood sacrifice of a lamb on the church altar), yes hte bible is full of such contradictions. Try actually picking up a bible a reading the passages i put on this meme before making an unfounded contradiction. But of course like i said the bible is full to the brim with contradictions itself.But if you prefer i can link at least 30 passages from the bible that says r.a.p.e., sexuall assault, murder and owning slaves is ok (In jesus's own words), if you would like. Not trying to be harsh or insulting, honestly im not, but these things actually are int he bible. To verify myc laims, visit the site do searches there for 'murder, r.a.p.e.(this site made me spell ti like that some reason), genocide, it will give you direct passages fromt the bible with wich you can pick up a bible and verify for yourself.