Ubuntu (/uËˈbuËntuË/ oo-boon-too)[7][8][9] is a Debian-based Linux operating system, with Unity as its default desktop environment (GNOME was the previous desktop environment).
On account that you need anti-viruses like avast! Anti-virus where with Linux and Ubuntu doesn't. Not to mention the fact it loads faster than Windows, you log-in and it just works but Windows takes forever!
Are you sure you didn't last check at Windows XP? Plus Windows Defender itself is quite effective at its job, and people who use Windows know how to not get viruses on Windows anyways...
If you compare Windows® to normal windows, it's quite obvious why I don't use it. Example: windows are easy to break, Windows® crashes easy if its overloaded.
Besides, if you look at Windows® 10, they stole from Linux anyway.