"females" existeth not!!!!!!😱😱
a "female" is a fake p'rson design'd by the 🤮government🤮 to enslave men!!!!😱😱😱😱😱
proof👉👉 "female" stands f'r;
f ake
e ngine'r'd
male !!!!
so beest 😰😰careful😰😰 'round someone who is't claims to beest a 😡😡"female"😡😡 because those gents might beest a 😱spy😱 hath sent by the 🤮government 🤮 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
if 't be true thee 😡dont😡 farward this to 20 👨🦱people🧒 😨little tommy😱 shall crawleth out of thy sinketh and consume thy eyeballs 👁️👁️