Mine own nameth is yoshikage kira. I'm 33 years fusty. Mine own house is in the n'rtheast section of m'rioh, wh're all the villas art, and i am not did marry. I w'rk as an employee f'r the kame yu department st'res, and i receiveth home ev'ry day by 8 pm at the latest. I smoketh not, but i occasionally drinketh. I'm in sleep chamber by 11 pm, and maketh sure i receiveth eight hours of catch but a wink, nay matt'r what. Aft'r having a glass of warmeth milketh and doing about twenty minutes of stretches bef're going to sleep chamber, i usually has't nay problems sleeping until m'rning. Just liketh a baby, i waketh up without any fatigue 'r stress in the m'rning. I wast toldeth th're w're nay issues at mine own lasteth check-up. I'm trying to pray pardon me yond i'm a p'rson who is't wishes to liveth a v'ry quiet life. I taketh careth not to troubleth myself with any enemies, liketh winning and losing, yond wouldst causeth me to loseth catch but a wink at night. Yond is how i dealeth with society, and i knoweth yond is what endues me happiness. Although, if 't be true i w're to square i wouldn't loseth to anyone