Ah, but you did not read the fruitloop article i read, some folks do legitimately believe, thanks to some hefty brainwashing from certain groups, that embryos are taken from abortions. But anywhoo, there have been advances with a lot of different types of stem cells, including the embryonic ones. If you ever get the chance, you can put in a few searches at pubmed about it (choose the full studies option after searching :) ): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
If we follow the money, almost every scientific advancement over the past 500 years would be a product of money grubbing. At the ALSA the donated money goes mostly to patient services, research, and education. A nominal percentage goes toward administrative fees and marketing. Though for ALS there isn't all that much marketing when compared to other disease charities like breast cancer awareness and heart disease awareness. The big thing with ALS is finding a treatment that will prevent progression of the symptoms. A cure is not all that likely at this point, but better treatments are definite possibilities. It sucks because in this country scientific health research is brutally underfunded.
Lastly, the folks that believe life begins at conception are kind of a baffling type. I mean what do they think of miscarriages, still births, and ectopic pregnancies that must be aborted?