Lindy Li confirms on the PBD Podcast what we ALL OBVIOUSLY KNEW.
Money is allocated to the tune of HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars to influencers like Harry Sisson who she shared a manager with and KNEW Biden was in decline. Jojo from Jerz who she said LOOKS NOTHING like her photo and essentially the Queen of catfish. Which..we all also knew.
And Brooklyn Defiant Dad who no longer lives in Brooklyn. So as we knew these people should be ignored and not given an ounce of credence because they are soulless sellouts to America who will parrot anything for a paycheck.
And it once again drives home what we all know. The leftists cannot win in the arena of ideas and have to peddle in propaganda and deceit.
On the other end of the spectrum are us..or most of us who get paid absolutely NOTHING aside from X revenue share and do this solely because we love our Republic. So Bravo to ALL OF YOU. And this is why we will continue to win elections with the truth as a collective force.