For the damage of the weapons, the glock does 50, the dagger does 40, the diamond sword does 70, the minigun does 160, the rocket does 120, the axe does 20 and the doom shotgun does 65 damage
Diamond sword
Upside: Enchanted with 5 sharpness
Downside: Gives damage when hitting; A glock and dagger
(Gun) Upside: Has explosive bullets
Downside: 10% Lower fire rate
(Dagger) Upside: Can be thrown and will come back if it hits
Downside: It can be grabbed and thrown back; Rocket Launcher
Upside: Does high damage
Downside: Rocket is slow
Bonus: You can rocket jump; Minigun and a needle
(Minigun) Upside: Has high damage
Downside: 30% Lower fire rate
(Needle) Effect: Gives you speed
Side effect: Accuracy is decreased; Doom shotgun
Upside: Does very good damage
Downside: 20% Lower fire rate
Bonus: You can jump a lot higher with no fall damage; Fire axe
Upside: Big swing does very good damage
Downside: It has a chance to break (It will fix itself in a couple seconds)