You never have been right. I am not lying. You are telling yourself that I am lying because you're immature and can't handle anyone but yourself being right because you're a narcissist with your head so far up your ass that your brain has hardwired yourself to instinctually respond with aggression towards anyone who doesn't blindly agree with you.
In my own stream. Of course I'm going to be immature, I'm 13, therefore I'm a child. Of course a child will act childish. You have no excuse. You are a grown adult. There's a huge difference.
haha so desperate for attention and validation you have to post whining and bitching about it to msmg as if theyre your mommy and daddy even after I tell you to keep it in this post to avoid another bullshit drama
You keep harassing me.
I tell you repeatedly to leave me alone. Do you expect me to respond to you with love and kindness when you treat me with hatred and rudeness?
I do. You're just so desperate to ban me that you need to find loopholes. Pathetic. Poor baby can't go three seconds without banning anyone he doesn't like.
Fine. I'm not a coward. If it's an argument you want, it's an argument you'll get. We're doing it outside of MSMG though. None of us need another drama starting. So argue with me on this in the comments.