MIBU: Facts Extremely Once Again; I'm starting drama club next year. Norway's prisons are like hotel rooms. A palindrome is a word that when it's flipped, it's the same. (For Example: Wow, Level, Pop); Bananas originally were used to have seeds inside them. If you get swallowed by a black hole, you will become spaghettified. Zoophilia is legal in 4 USA States. (Virginia, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Hawaii); Same reason goes to Bestiality which also has the same states. Your home pet, such as a dog or a cat, can sense when you are dying, and might eat your parts off. Animal abuse is legal in Chile. Kenya banned The Loud House because they don't allow gayship about Clyde's parents, and they hate gay stuff. You are most likely to be addicted to an iPad than sports. Your bones are wet. Nooses are more than just for 5u1c1d3, they are also for other stuff. The World Trading Center existed from 1973-2001. The song that is currently playing on this phase is "Kyomi's Lullaby" by REPULSIVE. The Friday Night Funkin' Community caused someone to kill themselves. Petting a bird will turn them on. This phase gives me nightmares. Ancient Romanian people often used "urine" as teeth-whitener. They also used "crushed mouse brains" as toothpaste. You walk past a couple of serial killers and murderers in your lifetime. Dead bodies on top of Mount Everest were often used as trail marks for explorers. There is a frog that can kill you in less than 10 seconds.