(Name: Yukiko Kawamura | Age: 17 years | Birthday: May 4th [Star Wars day! ;3])
*Yukiko sits in cosmology class, debating on whether or not to tell Hitomi how she really feels about him while her teacher, James P. Sullivan (Monsters Inc. reference time!), yammers on about black holes or something. She finally decides to pull out a sheet of paper and write a love letter to him in Japanese (for secrecy), since she knows he can read it. The English translation of the letter reads as follows:*
"Dear Hitomi,
I didn't have the guts to tell you this in person, so I wrote you this letter instead. I love you, Hitomi, and I don't want you to leave me behind after we graduate from high school. Will you go out with me for dinner on Saturday? If not, that's okay.
Love, your best friend, Yukiko Kawamura"