MIBU: I'm too tired, 6th time; McDonald's straws are wider than regular straws meaning more flavor and carbonation. There's a fish that has human teeth. Bananas are berries but strawberries ain't. The brain is incredibly stupid. Not only it named itself, it also was surprised to know that. Climate change is making spiders bigger. When you're sick, the advice you get is to take drugs and stay out of school. Rats laugh when tickled. The government knows all about your business. Before toilet paper existed, people used corn cobs to wipe their ass. The last sense when you die is your hearing. You can go 11 days without sleep. (It was beaten by Randy Gardener, later beaten by Robert McDonald by 19 days but sadly died); You can die for not drinking water for 3 days. Horned lizards protect themselves by squirting blood from their eyes. Speaking of lizards, a crested lizard cannot grow it's tail back. I once had teeth surgery. You can get diabetes by eating too much sugary foods. Blobfishes look fine underwater, but they look ugly when it's not in the water. Raw meat can cause you to get salmonella. The venom of some snakes can cause your blood to clot like jelly. Tapeworms can live in your body. There was a chicken named Mike that lived without his head for a year and a half. The reason why is that when the owner was about to butcher him, he accidentally cut his head. Monsters can be under your bed.