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Hey babe | HEY BABE; *POSTS THE ENTIRE RAYMAN 3 MANUAL IN COMMENTS* | image tagged in hey babe | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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Hey babe memeCaption this Meme
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The Crossroads of Dreams was a place of heavenly bliss
where calm, happiness and the joys of life seemed to reign
forever. Some of the inhabitants even began to feel that the
hours and days passed a little too slowly. Then, one day, a red
Lum transformed himself into a cantankerous little ball of fluff.
His name was André and he wanted to conquer the world. To
this end, André turned the other red Lums into black Lums,
then they all swarmed off to steal the animals’ hair and weave
costumes for themselves. Thus was born the army
of Hoodlums – raring to spread their mischief and idiocy
throughout the Crossroads. No-one could put a stop to them!
So guess who had to interrupt his siesta to go and sort
things out? (I’ll give you a clue: the answer’s on the cover
of this manual.)
Technical Specifications
Minimum configuration
Processor: P3 600 and equivalent AMD Athlon and Duron based CPUs
RAM: Windows 98 SE/2000/ME : 64 mb RAM // Windows XP : 128 mb RAM
Video Card: Geforce 256 SDR with 32 mb Video RAM
Recommended configuration
Processor: Win 98 SE: P3 1000, Win XP: P3 800 and equivalent AMD
Athlon and Duron based CPUs
RAM: 128 mb RAM
Video Card: Geforce 3 with 64 mb Video RAM
Insert DVD into your computer’s
DVD-Rom drive.
The following window appears:
Install: Just click to start the installation process. It’ll take a few seconds.
Fortunately, you’ve got some interesting reading material to browse through
while you’re waiting!
Play: Let’s face it, this is what you’ve been itching for, ever since you bought the
game. Click, and your wish shall be granted … Unless, of course, you were in
such a hurry that you forgot to install the game – in which case, it won’t work!
Selecting the language from the menu.
The installation installs all the data on the DVD, which is 1.5 Gb.
To play, DVD must be inserted in your DVD-Rom drive.
Access path
You must then select the location on the hard disk where you want to install the
game. For example, ‘c:\ProgramFoils\moygaymes\RaymunFree’. By default, the
installation suggests: ‘c:\Program files\Ubisoft\Rayman 3’.
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(You can skip this bit – it shouldn’t really concern you!).
There are 2 ways of deleting the game from your hard disk:
1- In Windows, select ‘Uninstall Rayman 3’ in the ‘Start\Programs\Ubisoft\
Rayman 3’ menu.
2- Insert the Rayman 3 DVD, start the game, admire the gorgeous
installation menu and select ‘Uninstall’.
Starting the game
Once the game is installed, it’s easy to start it up from the
Windows ‘Start’ menu. The default path is: ‘Start/Programs/
Ubisoft/Rayman 3’.
The Rayman 3 DVD should be in your DVD-Rom drive.
The first time you start the game, a configuration screen
appears. This allows you to adapt all the display data to your
computer’s configuration.
Rayman is also an educational game which helps you get the hang of
foreign languages. There are 5 different lingos to choose from!
You can access this screen by clicking on the ‘Start/Programs/Ubisoft
/Rayman 3/Configuration Rayman 3’ shortcut on your desktop.
How do I Quit the game?
Press the ‘Esc’ key and then select ‘Quit’ in the menu. You will be asked to
confirm your choice (just in case you’ve changed your mind in the previous
split-second). You don’t even have to worry about saving. It’s all automatic.
(Isn’t technology wonderful stuff?!)
To navigate in the RAYMAN® 3 HOODLUM HAVOC menus, use the directional
keys and the right and left ‘CTRL’ keys on the keyboard. To validate your
selection, press the ‘Enter’ key. To go back, press the ‘Backspace’ key (the key
above ‘Enter’ with an arrow pointing left).
Starting the Game
When the title screen appears, follow the instructions on the screen: press the
‘Esc’ key to access the Main Menu.
Main Menu
Select ‘New Game’ to begin a
new game. If the words ‘Nuovo
gioco’ appear, you’ve got the
wrong language and chosen
Italian. Oops! You’ll just have
to quit the game and change
languages on the configuration
Use ‘Continue’ to access your saved game(s). This option is only active if a
game has been previously saved. Kind of logical, isn’t it?
Select ‘Options’ if you want to configure the game settings: controller,
audio, video.
Select ‘Album’ to access the album of game photos stored on your hard disk.
New Game
Select ‘New’. You then go to the screen for creating a new game. Key in
your name or any other name which will serve as a game name (if you’re
short of ideas, use a dictionary!) and validate. Once you’ve entered your
name, select OK and validate.
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Loading an Existing Game
From the Main Menu, select ‘Continue’ and validate. You then go to a screen
which groups together all your saved games. Select the game you want to load
and validate.
If you know how to read off a PC screen, you don’t have to read this
section!To access the Options Menu, select ‘Options’ in the Main Menu
(I warned you this wouldn’t exactly make edifying reading). For all the Option
screens, use the ‘Backspace’ key to go back and the ‘Enter’ key to validate.
Control Settings
Under this heading you can modify
the settings for any kind of
controller that’s compatible with
Rayman 3: keyboard or joystick.
By selecting ‘Definition’, you can
configure all the keys on your
By selecting ‘Advanced’, you can
choose whether or not to invert
the horizontal and vertical axes of
your directional controls.
The left-hand key concerns the
keyboard; the right-hand key
concerns the pad.
Sound Settings
Here you can set the sound
volume for music, sound
effects and dialogues.
You can load another game at any time, provided
you have a saved game on your hard disk.
To do this, press the ‘Esc’ key to display the
menu. Then press the right or left ‘CTRL’ key to
access the game menu. Select ‘Load’, then
validate. A screen with your different saved
games appears. Now select your game.
Thanks to the miracle of technology,
saving is automatic during the game. It’s
done at the end of each level. So you don’t
have to do a thing to record your progress in
the game.
Keyboard and Pad Controls (default)
Keyboard arrows / Pad cross or stick
To move Rayman in any direction
C key / B3 button
To jump, activate the helico (when Rayman is in the air)
Space Bar / B4 button
To shoot and load your fist
Left ‘CTRL’ key / B6 button
To lock on
W key / B5 button
To activate the roll
V key / B2 button
To display the Life Bar and pull a funny face (after receiving permission
during the game)
X key / B1 button
Look mode
To zoom in and zoom out (in Look mode)
To access the menu during the game
F1 key
To activate the Freeze mode
‘Enter’ key
To take a photo
Mouse Controls
Mouse movement
To move the camera
Right mouse button
To jump, activate the helico (when Rayman is in the air), zoom out (in Look mode)
Left mouse button
To shoot, load your fist, zoom in (in Look mode)
For those of your who’re already moaning because these aren’t the controls you
fancy, you’re free to change them by going to the
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Options menu and selecting
‘Controls’. That way, we keep everyone happy …
Furthermore, if you have a joystick, joypad, controller or any other kind of
instrument with buttons and a USB connection, we strongly advise you to
configure it in the Options. Your gaming pleasure can only improve!
To MOVE, use the directional arrows or your pad’s stick in the direction of
your choice. Doesn’t it do you good to see him toe the line?!
To JUMP, press the C key or the right mouse button.
To ACTIVATE THE HELICO, press the C key (or the right mouse button)
and keep it pressed down when Rayman is not touching the ground.
To ROLL, press the W key.
To CLING ON to the edges of walls, jump while moving in the direction
of the wall. Rayman will cling to the wall automatically
To CLIMB along ladders or special walls, move against the
wall. Rayman clings on automatically. You can then move along
with the directional arrows. To come off, press on the assigned
Jump key once again.
To CLIMB BETWEEN TWO WALLS, jump while pressing
the assigned Jump key (by default, the C key or the right mouse
button), then press once again on this key to cling on.
Repeat this action until you reach the top.
gratings, jump with the assigned Jump button to
hang on and use the directional arrows to
move along.
directional arrows.
To LAUNCH YOUR FIST, press the assigned
Shoot button (by default, the Space Bar or the left
mouse button). Go to the FIGHTING THE ENEMIES
section to see everything you can do with this key
There’s no point in running if you don’t know where you’re heading,
as the saying goes. To make sure you know where you’re heading, use the
mouse to swivel the camera. In some game sequences, the camera is placed
automatically to provide an optimal view of the situation. Pressing the left
‘CTRL’ key places the camera behind Rayman again.
Look Mode
Keep the X key on the keyboard, or B1 on your pad, pressed down to move
into Look mode.
The camera places itself automatically at Rayman’s level. Not only can you
swivel the camera with the directional arrows or the left analog stick on your
pad, but you can also zoom in and zoom out with the + and – keys on the
number keypad (or the right and left mouse buttons) respectively. This mode
is very useful for observing the situation before setting off to fight, or for
finding all the bonuses. Freeze Mode and Taking a Photo
You can freeze the situation whenever you want by pressing the F1
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Everything in the game comes to a standstill. When this happens, you can
still move the camera using the mouse or your pad’s stick.
You can even take photos and give free rein to your unbounded creativity by
pressing the ‘Enter’ key. Then choose ‘YES’ to save your photo. A screen allowing you to name your photo appears. Give a name to your work, select ‘OK’ and
validate. Your photo is now saved on your hard disk.
By pressing the V key on the keyboard, or B2 on the pad, you can display loads
of information about Rayman.
obtained in
Combo mode
Life Bar
An enemy’s
Life Bar
Locking On
To LOCK ON to an enemy or an object, turn towards the target so that
the sights appear and keep the left ‘CTRL’ key pressed down. When you’ve
locked on to your enemy, you can carry out any actions you want without
losing sight of him:
• MOVE SIDEWAYS (STRAFING), using the directional arrows
• Jump or use the helico, using the assigned Jump key (by default, the
Space Bar or the left mouse button)
• Roll in any direction by pressing the W key and directing yourself with
the directional arrows
• Launch your fists with the assigned Shoot key
Rayman doesn’t have big biceps – hardly surprising, for an armless hero! – but
he does have 2 fists which can prove to be very powerful:
To launch his FIST IN A STRAIGHT TRAJECTORY, press the assigned
Shoot key (by default – you’re beginning to get the hang of this! – the Space Bar
or the left mouse button).
To launch his FIST IN A RIGHT OR LEFT CURVE, press the left ‘CTRL’
key, strafe right or left and press the Shoot key (to find out what the default keys
are, just look 2 lines above … )
To launch a LOADED FIST, keep the Shoot key pressed down (no, I’m not
saying it again – you must know which keys by now!) until a whirlwind of power
appears, then release the key to dispatch your fist. This loaded fist can be
straight or curved.
In short, use the left ‘CTRL’ key to always face the enemy, then use all your fist
types to attack him. The side fists are very useful for striking an enemy hiding
behind an obstacle or for wounding those who dodge frontal attacks. Lastly,
don’t forget to load your fist. This can cause damage beyond your wildest
A Little Trick (so you won’t have read this manual for nothing … )
Lock on to an enemy and activate the Freeze mode by pressing the F1 key.
If you press the V key, you’ll get some useful information that’ll help you get
rid of him. The Hoodlums have created a
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laser washing powder that can transform their
clothing into battle dress. It also acts on Rayman, giving him Superpowers.
When a Hoodlum has a $ symbol above him, this means that he’s carrying a
box of washing powder. Eliminate him to get hold of the box. But beware: the
effect of the Superpowers is limited. So keep an eye on the gauge at the bottom
of the screen to see how much time you’ve got left. To pick up the Superpower,
all you have to do is move over the box.
Green box: VORTEX
Rayman’s fists turn into a whirlwind. You can make anything spin
(driving it to distraction): a mushroom, a Hoodlum, or any other object
or animal.
This gives each fist a Superpower: you can wipe out an enemy with a
single blow and even break down doors.
Blue box: LOCK JAW
This power equips Rayman’s fists with metal jaws. You can use
them to cling on to metal grabs. In combat, they cling on to the
enemy. When this happens, press Space Bar or Left Mouse Button
to give the enemy electric shocks.
Orange box: SHOCK ROCKET
One of your fists turns into a torpedo. First, press the C Key or the Right
Mouse Button to arm it. Then press the Button again to launch it. Next,
use the directional arrows or the left analog stick to direct it. This fist is
very useful for reaching targets that are very far away.
Rayman is now crowned with a fantastic helmet that’s about as
snazzy as you can get. Activate your helicopter, and off you fly!
The Cages
The Hoodlums have captured all the Teensies and put them in cages
to use them for shooting practice. It’s up to you to set them free.
Listen carefully! You can hear them calling for help when you go near a
cage. Each time they’re set free, the Teensies give you a present and a
jewel medallion fills up. When the 6 jewel medallions are full, the Life
Bar increases.
The Score
All actions score points:
• Getting rid of enemies.
• Collecting Pick-Ups. These are splendid jewels that the game developers have
scattered around for purely aesthetic reasons. The Hoodlums collect them and
put them into Porkibanks – pig-shaped money boxes that go all snouty when
you beat them. You’ll need to load your fist to break them.
Whenever you win points, the Combo mode appears. The more you link up
actions, the more points the Combo scores. But watch out: the Combo
disappears after a few seconds. So don’t hang around marvelling at the
fabulous graphics that the development team spent months and months
working on. If
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you want a great score, get a move on!!
You can use your score to unlock bonus levels or previously unseen videos.
So now you’ll really have to pull your finger out and get a good score, otherwise
– no bonuses! Ah yes, you don’t get anything for nothing these days …
(Just so you won’t have read this manual in vain.)
Now that we’re beginning to get acquainted – we can even call each other by
our first names, if you like (yup, a few pages of reading-matter, that’s what
brings people together) – here’s the exclusive low-down that Murfy won’t give
you during the game.
Whenever you get a Superpower, all the points you pick up are multiplied by 2.
Try to find a Superpower before collecting all the Pick-Ups. The Bo-peeps are chameleons who hide all over the
place. You can hear them whistling when you’re near
them. Use the Look mode and centre the camera on
them. Each Bo-peep you uncover scores 250 points.
The Heebie-jeebies are elegant young lady butterflies who’re
extremely timorous. If you approach them slowly, you can obtain
250 points. But if you’re too quick, the terrified Heebie-jeebie flies
off to see its shrink!
Have a good look round. You may find one of the many secret zones that the
developers had fun hiding. They’re not unrewarding and are full of Pick-Ups!
You can display the menus at any time by pressing the ‘Esc’ key. By pressing the
right and left CTRL, you can display the score page for the different universes
you’ve been through.
Use the right and left ‘CTRL’ keys to
display the Game Menu to save, quit or
load a game. You can also access the
Bonuses page. Depending on your score,
you can unlock game videos as well as
bonus levels and previously unseen
videos. THE CAST
Rayman no longer needs an introduction. He’s already been
top of the bill in the 2 previous episodes. Nowadays, he’s a
big star, even if he doesn’t exactly behave like one. He’s
always taking naps and larking around with his pals – a fine
example for the youth of today!
Rayman’s best friend has at last got the role of his life: not
only does he mistakenly swallow André, the chief of the black
Lums, but he’s also chased by the Hoodlum army, who’re
trying to get their boss back. A real character part!
A ridiculous, pretentious greenbottle. Despite his stupidity,
this upstart has succeeded in landing the role of coach –
the only explanation for which is a disgraceful bit of
* Ubi Soft would like to state that the manual does not accept
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responsibility for these comments.
A depraved and hysterical baddie, André spends most of
the game enclosed in Globox’s belly because the latter
swallowed him. André has such a horribly warped mind
that he obliges Globox to drink plum juice, making our poor
friend lose all semblance of self-control …
The Hoodlums
After some punishing auditions, the developers have
brought together the worst army ever, made up of the
dumbest enemies. They’re dressed like potato sacks and
are ready to use any old tactics, however ludicrous or
dangerous, to stop Rayman and Globox. The Rayman community are waiting to meet you online. Make sure you logon and take
part in The Lums Quest :
• A unique system that rewards your participation in the community.
• The more you participate, the more goodies and information you can receive about
Rayman games.
• Be a goodie, be a baddie – it’s up to you !
• Gain access to the exclusive VIP Zone !
• Sign up now and receive 200 Lums to spend immediately !
In addition you will discover :
• Screenshots, videos and information added daily
• Hints and tips on all Rayman games
• Regular competitions with fantastic prizes
• Forums where you can meet other Rayman fans
Don’t wait any longer ! Log on to
NOW and join the fun !
Ahmed Boukhelifa
Pauline Jacquey
Damien Moret
Diane Bernard
Story and Dialogs
David Neiss
Art and level design
Jean-Marc Geffroy
Lead Programmers
Olivier Didelot
Alain Robin
Daniel Raviart
Franck Delattre
Frédéric Bourbon
Lucian Rowe
Christophe Garrigues
Dominique Duvivier
François Queinnec
Christophe Roguet
Lead Game Designer
Michaël Janod
Game designers
Olivier Palmieri
Benjamin Haddad
Frédérick Gaveau
Eric Couzian
Xavier Plagnal
Jérôme Collette
Olivier Barbier
Yann Leclerc
Art director
Céline Tellier
Lead Character designer
Stéphane Zinetti
Graphic Technical Directors
Céline Tellier
Avlamy Ramassamy
Real Time Cinematics
Alexandre de Broca
Eric Pelatan
Graphic artists
Fabrice Holbé
Lina Lu
Florence Charpentier
Christophe Messier
Alain Bernhard
Olivier Conorton
Mohammed Gambouz
Laurent Debarge
Sébastien Du jeu
Gabriel Villatte
Christophe Dur
Christophe Bourges
Marie Nguyen
Lead Gameplay Programmer
Olivier Dauba
Gameplay programmers
Yann Masson
Nicolas Chereau
Laurent Chiarazzo
Setha Chhun
Nicolas Normandon
Lead animator
Stanislas Mettra
Hélène Oger
Hélène Pierre
Isabelle Leduc
Karine Karabétian
1 up, 10h,
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Philippe Penaud
Lead sound designer
Ida Yebra
Sound designer
Emmanuel Gouvernaire
Alexandra Horodecki
Sound art director
Romain His
Lead data manager
Nary-Tiana Andriamampandry
Data manager
Eric Berkani
Rayman created by
Michel Ancel
Frederic Houde
Additionnal game design
Yann Masson
Nicolas Normandon
Fabrice Holbé
Olivier Conorton
Stéphane Hilbold
Additionnal graphic artists
Vincent Colombel
Bertrand Israel
Pierre Truong
Manu Hauss
Grégory Chandèze
Sybille Ristroph
Sandra Vaquero
Sandrine Houalet
Yann Jouette
Additionnal gameplay
Matthieu Crepeau
Eric Berkani
Michel Momcilovic
Michaël Janod
Frédérick Gaveau
Olivier Palmieri
Xavier Plagnal
Patrice Desarnaud
Michael Ryssen
Frédéric Balint
Additionnal animators
Alexandre Baduel
Vanessa Sarazin
Test Studio Manager
Victor Douangamath
Lead Tester (Paris)
Olivier Berteil
Cyril Gouel
Testers (Paris)
Aymeric Henault
Laurent Pierrat
Sébastien Métivier
Carl Huyghues Despointes
Frédéric Lapalus
Hervé Da Mota
Manuel Rozoy
Wolfgang Buttner
Anis Boujouane
Antoine Viellard
Jérôme Amouyal
Fabrizio Costa
Lead Teaster
Stephan Leary
Testers (Montreal)
Alain Chenier
Bruno St-Laurent
Félix Hardy
Louis-Philippe Brissette
Martin Hamel
Martin Shank
Max Bricault
Nicolas Gagnier
Stéphane Arbour
Pascal Gauthier
Patrick Melanson
Yann Provencher
Antoine Drouin
Jo-Ashley Robert
Mathieu Larin
Miguel Canepa
Olivier Proulx
Patrice Cote
Patrick Charland
Pierre Boyer
Vincent Nadeau
Yanick Beaudet
Additionnal Data
Thomas Omer-Decugis
Fabrice Machecler
Vincent Chardonnereau
Managing Director -
Montreuil Studios
Nicolas Metro
Development Studio Manager
Vincent Greco
Graphic Studio Manager
Sandrine Maigret
Game Design Studio Manager
David Douillard
Cinematic studio
Sophie Penziki
Pre-rendered sequences
Alexandre de Broca
Technical director - sfx
Charles Beirnaert
Graphists - sfx
Corinne Bouvier
Xavier le Dantec
Jérome Lionard
Layout director
Mathieu Breda
Michel Guillemain
Thomas J. Anderson
Gilles Monteil
Véronique Lacombe
Eric Branz
Wilfried Ayel
Sonia Pronovost
François Cote
François Queinnec
Audio production
Sylvain Brunet
Creative manager
Manu Bachet
Sound production
Marine Lelievre
Music composed, arranged
performed by
Plume and Fred Leonard
Laurent Parisi
Sound effects
Talk Over
Mixed by
Christophe Marais
Claire Schwab
Gwen Hervochon
(Tex Avril Studio - France)
Masterised by
Martin Dutasta
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Music editing
Pascal Flork
Performed by Groove Armada
Courtesy of Jive Electro
Written by
Michael Daniels/K. Lee/
J. White/C. Jenner/
Thomas Findlay
Andrew Cocup Zomba
Music Publishing LTD.
(Adm. By Zomba
Enterprises Inc in the US
and Canada),
Universal Music
Publishing LTD.
(Adm by UniversalPolygram International
Music Ltd. (PRS)
All rights on behalf of
Music Ltd.
administered by
WB Music Corp.
President and CEO
Yves Guillemot
International Production
Christine Burgess-Quemard
International Content Director
Serge Hascoët
International Content Team
Gunther Galipot
Lionel Raynaud
Frédéric Duroc
Story Editor
Alexis Nolent
Approval Coordinators
Nikola Milisavljevic
Dave Costello
EMEA Marketing team
Lidwine Vernet
Clothilde du Saint
Judit Barta
Julien Galtier
Local Brand Managers
Amanda Butt (UK)
Thorsten Kapp (GER)
Hélène Carbon (FR)
Valeria Lodeserto (ITA)
Oriol Rosel (SPA)
Marcel Keij (NL)
Kristina Mortensen (Scandinavia)
Vanessa Leclercq (Benelux)
Yannick Theler (SWI)
Nick Wong (Australia)
Special Thanks to
Arnaud Koltelnikoff
Alexandra Ancel
Michel Ancel
Philippe Vimont
Han Da Qing
The Rayman M Team
Mao Yi
Wang Bin
Arnaud Guyon
Arnaud de Pischof
Benoît Maury-Bouët
David Houssin
Hanane Sbai
Eric Tremblay
Sophie Pendaries
Rayman® 3 Hoodlum Havoc © 2003 Ubi Soft Entertainment. The logo and the
character of Rayman are trademarks of Ubi Soft Entertainment. All rights reserved.
All trademarks are owned by the respective rights holders. Ubi Soft Entertainment
makes no claim to any such trademarks. Ubi Soft guarantees to the original buyer of the product that the compact
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normal-use period of ninety (90) days from the invoiced date of purchase.
Please return any defective product to; Ubi Soft Entertainment Ltd.,
Chantrey Court, Minorca Road, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8DU together with this
manual and your registration card if you have not already sent it to us. Please
state your full name and address (including postcode), as well as
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the place of purchase.
If a disc is returned without proof of purchase or after the warranty period has
expired, Ubi Soft will choose either to repair or to replace it at
customer expense. This warranty is invalid if the disc has been
damaged through negligence,
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accident or misuse, or if it has been
modified after acquisition.
This software program, manual and packaging are protected by copyright
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This software program, this CD and its documentation are sold as they
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Ubi Soft offers on-line support options for software products. One of these
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Please be as specific as you can be about the problem you are experiencing.
Other Support Options
You can also contact Ubi Soft Technical Support by phone and fax. When
you call, please be as specific as you can be about the problem you are
Ubi Soft Technical Support: 0870 739 7670
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That is the ENTIRE rayman 3 uk manual pdf in an entire comment thread. didnt need to do this but i did.
1 up, 10h
holy shit indeed
0 ups, 10h
holy shit
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1 up, 11h
Hey babe memeCaption this Meme
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