You are the most beautiful, kind, sweet, amazing person ever and I love you so much. I'd do anything to see you smile. You brighten my day so much and you make me feel so happy. I love talking to you and just being able to talk to you is such a privilege, let alone being your partner. You've helped me through so much and you've supported me through all my ups and downs. You're always so sweet and loving to me no matter what. Even when you're not feeling good, you're still so nice to me. You always give my butterflies in my stomach and you make me want to squeal in joy whenever we talk. You're the most beautiful girl ever and I love you and everything you do. You bring me up whenever I feel down. I love how I feel like I can trust you and talk to you about everything, and I know you'd accept me no matter what I did. You make me feel less awful about my looks. I love when you wake up and I get to talk to you. I love calling you so much too. You have the cutest voice ever and I feel so loved whenever you say the littlest compliments towards me and I feel so amazing when you tell me you love me. I never want to be apart from you. It's been nearly 10 months of pure bliss and happiness for me. You're the most amazing partner I ever did and ever will have. I love you so much.