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Dumnezeu te iubește chapter 5

Dumnezeu te iubește chapter 5 | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
150 views 5 upvotes Made by huh_neat 3 days ago in Imgflip-bossfights
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Matt slams the doors open and walks in with a glare that could freeze the entirety of hell. Across the room was his loving wife… at least what was once her. Cross, who had his back turned, was admiring a painted mural of a god causing chaos upon the world.
Cross: Beautiful, is it not? In the past, gods would actually punish those who wronged the world, instead of just forgiving them and letting them go into some… paradise.
He turns around and stares at Matt with his allies. He glances at Angel for a bit before shaking his head and walks around them.
Cross: Angel… She was once what her name is… but due to things out of her control, she was punished unfairly and stripped from her wings, forced to be alongside you wretched mortals.
Matt’s expression doesn’t waver as he keeps staring down Cross.
Cross: And the culprit? He never went to heaven or hell. Never to be judged properly… I wonder whose fault that is…
Fox’s expression darkens, knowing exactly who he’s talking about. He’s about to say something, but Matt speaks up.
Matt: You’re judging the wrong people. You see one thing wrong with someone, and you think it applies to everyone. And you say someone dear to you was taken? Well look at what you’re doing right now. The angel has become a hypocrite. You talk high and mighty, giving everyone the justice they deserve, but you’re no better than that culprit you talk about.
Cross stares at Matt with a look of hatred. Matt waves his hand around as he continues talking, a habit he got from his father.
Matt: Oh poor old Cross, sad because the love of his life was taken away from him thanks to a man who thought he could do whatever he wanted. And now you’re taking the love of my life because you think you can do whatever you want. Or maybe you just wanted to see what happens if you toy with the mortals for your sick pleasure.
Matt chuckles a little as his aura starts to misshapen but he quickly goes back to his deadpan expression, staring deep into Cross’s soul.
Matt: You like what you got?
A dark aura bursts from Cross as he gets into a fighting stance. Topaz, who looks worried, taps Matt on the shoulder, who turns around.
Topaz: M-mister Kingsman…? Be careful! I sense extreme hostility and anger from him!
Matt: Oh really? Good. They don’t think well when they’re agitated… Hey, be a gentleman, and escort Linda and yourself out of here. You two aren’t fit for a battlefield.
Topaz nods and grabs Linda’s shoulder
Topaz: This way Miss Linda.
Linda: A-alright…
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The two walk out of the room, leaving the rest of the gang to get into fighting positions.
Matt: Go!
Cross and Matt rush at each other, clashing fists, and blocking attacks, until they are both pushing each other, their palms pressed together, until Matt quickly pulls back with a tight grip, and kicks Cross in the air. He then jumps back and yells out “Change!” as Eren appears in the air, shooting down Cross and then punching him in the chest, causing the two to crash into the ground. In a burst of rage, Cross lets out a roar, sending Eren flying, only to be caught by Spark.
Spark: You alright?
Eren: Yeah thanks… I used up most of my energy to wake up Matt earlier, I can’t really do much now…
Spark: Alright, I understand. Merc! You’re up!
Mercury tightens her gloves as she creates her crystal sword. Cross tried to attack Eren and Spark, leaping forward to reach them, but a glacier of ice shoots up from the ground and knocks him away. Cross quickly recovers with a backflip and takes out Violet’s katana.
Cross: It’s time to see what this new body’s powers are…
In a purple flash, Cross was using Violet’s hybrid demon form. A disgusting sight, in his eyes…. He then blocked an attack coming from Mercury as the two started their swordplay. Mercury, graceful as ever, had both her feet planted on the ground, not allowing any openings in her style, contrasting Cross, who was frantically trying to stab her, having been inexperienced using a sword. The two keep clashing blades for a while, until Cross notices something… odd. He noticed floating crystals surrounding them… This was all a set up!
Cross: Nice try…
Cross leapt up in the air and prepared to strike, but the sound of a gunshot firing was heard. A yellow bullet ricochets from crystal to crystal until they hit Cross straight in the back. He lets out a pained cry as he falls to the floor. He looked up to see Mercury staring her down… but she was open! Quickly, Cross grabs Violet’s katana once again and goes for a swift beheading, but she falls, making him miss… when he looks around, she’s gone. All that was around him was his shadow… wait… Suddenly, out from a curtain, Quinn rushes in and wraps Cross up in vines, and then obscures the room in smoke. Heather quickly moves a curtain and drags Mercury out of the shadow, who slaps her in return.
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Heather: Hey… I tried to help you!
Mercury nods a bit and then shakes her hand as an apology. Meanwhile, Quinn makes two vines burst out of the ground and attack the wrapped up Cross, moving her hands as if conducting an orchestra to manipulate the vines during the assault… until Cross bursts out and clears the smoke in one mighty roar, turning into Violet’s full demon form.
Quinn: Geez his wife can do that…? Man, Matt is one lucky, lucky man…
They say before getting hit with a full force punch to the chest. Heather quickly moves a curtain in order for Quinn to fall into the shadow to stop their fall. She then takes them out and places them next to Eren. Unfortunately, this did not go unnoticed by Cross.
Cross: You! You’re the shadow manipulator!
Heather: Guilty as charged!
She says, taking a bow and letting out a little giggle. Cross, who was 200% done with everything happening, rushes at the green haired girl, but suddenly, his hand catches on fire from close contact. He turns around and sees a familiar red haired girl who was protecting Heather.
Cross: Well well… Little Jewel finally grew a spine. What do you expect to-
Jewel: Shut up. I’m done listening to you.
She says holding up her hand in a pistol shape and aiming it at Cross.
Jewel: I'm not your tool anymore.
A little flame is lit on the end of her finger as she yells out
Jewel: Garnet Gun!
A thin flame shoots out of her finger and hits Cross, knocking him to the side. She turns around and hopes nobody heard her say the name of her move. Unfortunately for her, Heather and Matt heard it. She covers her face in embarrassment but Matt pats her on the back.
Matt: Hey don’t worry, we have worse names. Check this out.
He says powering down to his base form.
Matt: Eren, can you fight now?
Eren: Yeah? What's up?
She yells back running to his side. The two turn to Cross who was recovering from the “garnet gun”
Matt: Remember what we used to do as kids? That little combo?
Eren glances at Matt and knows exactly what he was talking about. The two rush in together and yell out
Matt and Eren: high five!
The two hit Cross with the palm of their hands, followed by a kick from Matt, sending him straight upwards.
Matt: up top!
Eren, appearing in the air, punches Cross back into the ground and into the center of the room.
Eren: Down low!
The two suddenly appear from each side, one fist clenched, ready to deliver the finishing blow.
Matt and Eren: Too slow!
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The two rush at Cross at the same time, both sending a punch that shakes the room around them. Once the dust settles, Matt and Eren dust off their hands.
Matt: You see that, kid? Can’t get any dumber than that.
Behind them, Cross slowly gets up… He doesn’t seem to be losing breath… in fact he still seems to be in good shape. Angel and Fox glance at each other from the sidelines.
Angel: You see that?
Fox: Yeah… if this keeps up…
Matt turns around and sees Cross standing strong. Confused, he gets into a fighting stance as the angel smiles wickedly.
Matt: Okay how the hell? How are you still alive?!
Cross: Hm… I don’t know… What about you, Jewel? Do you know?
Her eyes immediately widened, knowing exactly what he was talking about.
Jewel: …You don’t feel pain… only the person you’re possessing does…
Cross laughs as the gang turns in horror.
Cross: You’re correct, young lady! Looks like your silence indirectly helps me out in the end! And here’s another thing none of you know about… it doesn’t matter if my host is dead or alive!
Eren: Wait… you’re not suggesting.
Cross: Oh but I am… And how should I do it? Maybe with a slice to the head…? A fall down a cliff?
He suddenly snapped his fingers after thinking of a way.
Cross: I know! I’ll just rip out her heart!
He raises his hand up and prepares to plunge it into himself as he smiles with manic glee.
Cross: Say goodbye to your lovely wife, Matt Kings-
Angel: Stop!
He freezes at the sound of Angel’s voice and turns around. Angel, holding out her arms in a determined manner, gives him a proposal.
Angel: Spare that mortal and use my own body. You can do whatever you want, break me, rule this kingdom, anything you want, just spare everyone here and take me over.
Cross thought about it for a second… before Violet’s body dropped to the ground. Matt rushed over to catch her as she weakly looked at him.
Violet: …is it over…?
Matt: I’m not sure yet…
Everyone turns to Angel, whose eyes were greyed out to signify Cross’s influence. They smile wickedly and take a step forward but… nothing. They try again… no wait… they can’t move.
Angel: You really thought I was going to let you do that?
Cross: What’s happening? Why can I use your body properly?
Angel: It’s simple really. We have the same ability, therefore I still have control over my mind, and my body…
Cross: So you’re just going to contain me forever? That's your genius plan? God you’re such an idiot…
Angel giggles to herself and continues talking.
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Angel: You haven’t changed at all. You keep seeing things at face value and never question what is going to happen to us.
Cross: …us?
Outside, Fox walked through the gang with a shadow covering his eyes. He was no longer smiling and his breath was shaking. He walked towards Angel’s body and put a hand on her back
Angel: Your possession requires bonding with a soul… which means… well look through my memories and you’ll see for yourself.
Cross did exactly that, trying to find anything about that weird orange man until his heart sank.
Cross: Wait wait no no no! You can’t do this to me! I have so much more to do!
Angel: You’ve done enough harm already.
Fox took out Angel’s soul from her body, examining it. It has hints of a different color, signifying Cross’s influence.
Cross: You do realize that you’re going to die too, right? If that soul shatters there’s no way you could come back!
Angel: Eh… I’ve lost a life before. I can lose another.
She closes her eyes, embracing her death as Cross tries to think of a way to escape. Outside, Fox starts gripping the soul harder and harder until… it shatters. The shards of the soul falling down as he stares at the ground. Angel’s body falls to the floor as a loud thud echoes through the room. Violet, getting up is about to say something but Fox holds up his hand.
Fox: …Don’t thank me for this. Please… Let's just go home
He says walking out without another word, leaving everyone else speechless.
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A couple days pass and everything is going pretty well. Especially at Heather’s place. Inside the mansion was a makeshift school, being hosted by Linda.
Linda: A-alright, Jewel, what's 5 times 6?
Jewel: 30!
Linda: Very good.
She says, nervously clapping. She then walks up to a desk behind Jewel and turns to Topaz, who was solving a worksheet. Linda taps on a part of the paper which catches her off guard.
Linda: It’s uh… it’s a bit bigger than 5.
Topaz: Oh! Okay!
She says, happily erasing her hard work. Linda sighs and heads out of the room and gets scared by Heather and Quinn appearing in the corner.
Quinn: oh sorry, didn’t mean to make you jump. How is everything going?
Linda: W-well… Lady Jewel and T-topaz are doing great… I’m not s-so sure why you gave m-me this job, Lady Heather…
Heather: Well you need to build up a bit more courage on having eyes on you. I’m sure a bunch of people would be staring at a cute girl like you.
Linda: I… I see…
She turns back to the room to see Topaz still struggling, but confidently.
Heather: Welp I’m gonna go call Matt to see how he’s doing.
Quinn: Okay have fun!
They say waving as Linda, behind her, is looking at her reflection to see if what Heather said is true. Later, Heather gets her phone and calls Matt, who just sounds tired.
Matt: Hey…
Heather: Hey Matt! How’s your sleep?
Matt: Gee I wish I knew… but SOMEONE keeps keeping me up!
Violet giggles from the living room.
Violet: Oh come on, honey! I had to make up for lost time!
Rose and Petals glance at each other, confused about what their parents were talking about, but they shrug it off due to them having their mother back. Heather giggled softly from the other side of the phone.
Heather: Anyways, how’s Eren?
Matt: Oh you know. Sleeping as usual. S&M have been taking her around so she can get some sunlight.
Heather: Hmm… I see… Hey we should get Jewel to have a playdate with Rose and Petals some time!
Matt: Oh yeah! They could learn a couple things from her…
He says trailing off, thinking about something else.
Matt: …Hey have you seen Fox lately?
Heather: Well now that you mention it… no. He hasn’t been at Venus’s cafe either. I hope he’s okay.
Matt: He’ll be fine! He’s seen death before! He barely flinches at it at this point.
He says with a confident tone.
Matt: I’m sure he’s just busy with something.
Well that wasn’t untrue. In the underworld, Fox has been asking Hades for work for the past 4 days but he wouldn’t give anything.
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Hades: And why would you want to start working now? You’ve never asked for extra work throughout your 20 years here.
Fox: Look I just don’t have anything to do okay?
Hades: No. I told you for the last time.
Fox: Come on, just give me something! Anything! Please!
He says reaching out, but Hades back hands him and stares at him on the floor.
Hades: The other mortals may be fooled, but I can read you like a book. You can stay here as long as you want, rest up, take a walk, talk to Medea, but I will NOT let you work until you’re 100% yourself again. Got it?
Fox looks up at him and dusts himself off, Getting up from the cold stone ground.
Fox: Fine…
He says walking back into his room and lies down on his bed. He stares at a jar that has some of the remains of Angel’s soul. He then puts his hat on top of it in order to keep it out of sight. He sits up and puts his hands over his ears before fully breaking down completely.
Fox: God… DAMN IT!
He yells taking off his tie and throwing it to a wall
He cries out, punching a wall. After a while the sound of laughter comes out of his room. Persephone, finding this odd, comes to check on her favorite mortal.
Persephone: Fox, dear. Is everything alright? Is something funny?
She says walking in… but once she gets closer her smile fades and she puts a hand on his shoulder.
Persephone: There there… let it out…
She says hugging him as he continues to “laugh”.
Persephone: Nobody’s going to disappear anymore. I’ll promise you that…
Fox finally stops “laughing” And calms down. Persephone pats him on the head and gets up.
Persephone: Now I’m going to go back to work. So if you need anything just find me.
Fox nods as she leaves. He then lies on his bed and puts his hat over his face and sighs.
Fox: …Why do I keep losing people..?

The end.
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Authors note: As most of you know, I'm not in the best of moods, so this was a chore to get out. I hope it isn't that obvious in the text. Anyways I hope you enjoy this
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hey man if you really needed a break you didnt have to write
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I had to
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you didnt
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Yeah I did. When else am I supposed to write?
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when you're feeling better
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I really liked this ending
Also I like how (I assume) all of jewels moves will be named after.. jewels
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0 ups, 3d
Also you wrote fox well
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The fist says “Kore wo Basuto”
Means “Bust this”
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I was talking about the title
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No I was translating the Japanese for those who can't read it like I can't
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Huh that's funny that's what a certain someone said
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i downloaded it from him
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The one character I helped you design man :(
0 ups, 2d
Man... Angel :<
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