MIBU: Facts Once Again for the 2nd Time; The person who is in this template other than Mr. Incredible is Robert "Bob" Parr. Your burps are just your puke's farts. The only part of your reflection that you can lick is your own tongue. White chocolate isn't actually chocolate at all. There is enough copper in your body to make a pair of headphones. There is an island full of dolls. Sunlight can cause cancer. Pooping too hard can kill you. Cracking your neck could cause you to get arthritis. Dogs love squeaky toys because it mimics the sound of their prey. Cloudy oysters have sperm in them. Wasps and crows remember your face. Your collar bone is extremely fragile and easy to break. Your dreams will never become reality. There is no cure for dementia. Trees have vision on them. Some countries have something called human zoos, which are terrifying. A bozo tried to sell New Zealand on eBay. The electric chair was made by an actual dentist. Pepper X is spicier than the Carolina Reaper. The Simpsons predicted 9/11. Some women gave birth before they were married. There are more dead people than alive people.