MIBU: Facts Once Again; I actually have a YouTube channel. There are some theories that the world will end in a gazillion years. Turducken is a combination of a turkey, a duck, and a chicken mixed together. (Search it up); I get confused a lot with commas and periods. (See why in the comments); Coke was originally gonna be green. Most surgeries in hospitals are when patients are awake. PETA is a "animal rescue service" who saves animals, BUT INSTEAD THEY KILL ANIMALS. Male mosquitoes don't drink blood, but females do. Chainsaws were originally invented for offspring birth. In Connecticut, you can sell a pickle if it has an ability to bounce. You actually have 5 minutes to live, but breathing resets the timer. Dolphins play ball with dead human heads. 4 people are born every second, same thing with 2 people dying. This phase is also a sad phase. Some tribes still practice cannibalism, and it's the same for Indonesia. There is a YouTube video called "Blank Room Soup" and it's about a crying man eating a soup of his dead wife while 2 mascots come in a make him feel better. Isn't it creepy? 15% of the air you inhale in a metro station is HUMAN SKIN. Some bears can dig up dead bodies to eat food, and they even use cemeteries as refrigerators. It's also the same thing with komodo dragons. Fir trees can actually grow inside your lungs. In March 3rd, I fell onto concrete while skipping, and my arm and leg we're scraped and bleeding, but my leg was MUCH WORSE. A woman once had a finger in her Wendy's chilli, but it happened when she asked one of her friends to sue the company, so her friend cut his finger and put it in a bag, but then she got caught and arrested.
(Credit to Zack D. Films); World War III could happen anytime now.