Ha yes, I believe our interactions have been minimal, no? Alas, I am aware of your memes and I tend to find them comical ('Tis the whole goal of a meme, after all). Therefore, on the merit of your memes, I grant thee a 7.5/10
I do not care if thy man vein has been shared on the internet, for we have all done idiotic things. However, our interactions have not been high in number. Your memes, however, I do find amusing. Thus, I grade thee 7/10
So...you are the one that smiles? Well, I cannot challenge your claim to such a title. Instead, let me just say you tend to post memes that I enjoy thoroughly. I grant thee 7/10.
Tsk tsk tsk... why would I start this review off like that? No idea. Now, your memes, from what I've seen, are comedic and enjoyable. Furthermore, you give off positive energy. Thus you receive a 7.5/10
W-well... *bows* I didn't expect any of the Imgflip gods here! O, great God of over 1000 followers, I am not worthy to bestow a judgement upon thee. I am but a simple sub-100 follower user... please forgive me...