miyo_; daphney (miyo or kyah); non-binary; 12; 4'11"; 114; 1-20-2025; I make music when I'm bored (@TheNellieEllie) also go sub to (@sockzx), I'm autistic, I hate my life..etc. my friends(platonically), video games, food, sleep (when I get it), heat, making music, protective people, people who think they're not good enough and I listen to what they have to say to try and make them feel better. most boys at my school, MY PARENTS, Mini Sam (a boy at my school), cold, bullies, rich kids, Taylor Swift. beatboxing, rapping, making music, drowning out the world, talking and hanging out w/ the few friends I have, and making duets with random people idk. SUSHI and PIEROGI; The Day After 19; monster energy