I was a nerd before I completely broke, and it’s not like these bracelets are super colorful. I have 2 colorful ones that I never wear, and a bunch of black and brown ones. (I do have solid color ones, but I often mix those with the black and brown)
Mf you're taller than me and I'm taller than most of my whole family. Mine is just above my knees. It's also seem many multicolored stains but they aren't visible and don't smell like anything so I haven't washed it yet
And somehow I’m still awake. I found the freakiest template of Undyne, so maybe that’s why. Worse thing is, it’s in one of the comments in one of my latest posts
Tired lol; My theme (One HELL of a Good Time); Yall have like one thing that would like instantly identify you in public? Like an accessory or smth? (Personally mine is that I wear a lot of bracelets most of the time, and I have three rings, all with dark blue on them)