Honestly I think if youre so addicted to imgflip and have no other hobbies that you start freaking out over an 8 hour ban in ONE stream then I think you should be forced to taek a break
Real talk how and why do people whine and cry over bans like 70lastchance is right now like bro it's an 8 hour ban you're not gonna die literally just go to school and when you get home the ban will have ended; Even when I got banned from 2 days I didn't really gaf I was just like "welp free vacation" really the only way I would speak out against a ban was if I viewed it as mod abuse or unfair but most of the time I'll just wait a ban out by doing other hobbies like watching tv or drawing or something since it usually takes me like 5 hours to do one drawing thats a great way to kill time I think you should try out