While I admit I could have been nicer in my wording for this meme and wish I had, you have a very flawed view of things. Most furries do not hurt anyone or anything like that. There are a few who do, but the fandom does NOT support them. There are problematic people in every fandom/group, but that does not make the whole fandom problematic. You wrote about furries becoming toxic when you say you're anti furry, but that is basically the definition of a double standard and not even entirely accurate. YOu do realise that a very large chunk of the anti furry content is: "I'm GoInG tO hUrT tHeSe PeOpLe I dOn'T eVeN kNoW fOr HaViNg A sPeCiFiC hObBy!1!" You can't really get mad if a furry tries to defend themselves or is a bit mean back. As for the furries who were mean to you, I'm sorry you had to meet a few mean people, but that is not the norm. Also, the animation memes are entirely subjective; if you don't like them, don't look for that?