Me, because he had said insulting shit throughout the relationship, but I played them off as jokes, until one day he said something about my taste in clothes (quote: "when you where cat ears and black lipstick and stuff it makes me want to jump off a bridge" end quote.) but after we broke up, he started saying that I ruined his reputation because I'm a "weird kid" and dating "weird kids" is frowned upon within my school, which caused me a lot of guilt, pain, and tears because I was convinced I ruined everything for him, and that sorta made me start playing fruit ninja on my arms again, but that is NOT IMPORTANT. He has apologized on multiple occasions, and he's making a visible effort to become a more respectful human being, which somehow triggered me to starting to get attatched again. I have always, even after we broke up, been super in love with him, and I tried as hard as humanly possible to keep our relationship together, because having him with me made my life a lot happier, and now I know what you're thinking "he sounds toxic AF" "why would you like someone like that??" "wanting get back with HIM is the dumbest idea ever" "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU IDIOT?" but I genuinely know that he's actually a really sweet person, despite his past behaviors, and I love him a lot tbh, even though the fact that he will NEVER make the mistake of loving my stupid ass is blatantly incontrovertible. (sorry for the long ass explanation, I just figured that you'd ask what happened if I just blankly said "me")