_-DungeonKeeper-_ bingo; "Kids suck, I need seven snakes."; "Only twisted f*cks do genocide." *is friends with many geno players*; Guild of Dragons member; Has more OCs than friends; Danganronpa enjoyer; No idea if they qualify as a Christian or an atheist, calls themselves both. Will curse like a sailor if the situation calls for it. Has had bad experiences with Christians. Constant state of tired. Very good at text box memes. Likes JoJo's Bizzare Adventure; Swears upon every god because they aren't picking sides. Has trolled streams that exist to hate. "Don't touch my drawing or writing notebook, playlists, or phone without my written permission, signed with an immaculate drawing of Qi Moonset."; Plays existential game, contemplates the meaning of life for a while. Has read a lot of SCPs. Can't keep themselves out of a conversation regarding an interest of theirs. Allied with the Slime Empire. Cats are awesome. "What the heck is (very mainstream thing)??" Immediately before "Wdym you don't know what (most vague, obscure, unknown thing ever) is?? *purchases a souls-like* "Why the hell is this game so hard?"; Likes nerdcore music that no one else knows; Books are the only reason they're sane. Furry supporter and/or LGBT straight ally