All my problems began when I was 4 years old, my parents were constantly arguing. One night my mom came back home from her 3rd job she had at the time, she was exhausted and tired, and she wanted to go to sleep, but all she saw was my father sitting down, drunken, and watching TV, my dad told her to give me a bath and put me to bed, I didn't know what was going on at the time, I was still so small. Mom then left him afterwards and I was scared and didn't know what was going on, and now I know since my mom told me this after an argument.
When I was 5, my mom remarried, and now I have a stepdad
When I was 6 or 7, I forgot, I was in 1st grade, the teacher was insanely strict on religion, and she even shamed me and my family for not being Christian. It made me feel horrible about myself, luckily the teacher recently got fired for it a few years ago because she smacked a kid in the face for being Muslim.
When I was 8, I just developed an insane bout of depression, I got therapy, unfortunately my family can't pay for it anymore due to the covid situation that happened which made it more expensive, I had a nice therapist named Tim, he tried to help but it wasn't working. But when Tim was sick one day, there was another therapist there as a substitute, he tried touching me in appropriately, so I bolted out the door and didn't say a word.
That's when I quit therapy.
When I was 10, in 2020, I joined imgflip due to the pandemic isolating me from my friends, so I made new friends on there. When I was 11, I decided to practice art just as a coping mechanism, I also decided to make others art as a thank you for helping me along the way, even if I never knew them.
When I was 12, I asked some dude who was also in the Splatoon fandom, I will keep him anonymous for now to prevent others from attacking him, even if I hate him for what he did. I asked him for a commission, but unfortunately, I didn't know what a commission was at the time and simply thought it meant art request, and he gave me a 3d model of one of my splatoon OCS, splatza. But then he wanted me to pay and I didn't know what to do, so I just said "I'm 12, I can't pay." And he then made everyone think I was a jackass and he even suicide baited. I still dont forgive him, I hate him.
When I was 13, in 2023, I found more friends, like sylc, but she betrayed me soon after by bullying me for being straight and organizing server raids.
Now I'm 14, and I'm already sneaking alcohol from my parents, and also at the worst state of mental health I've ever been in. There's a lot more in between this stuff but I just needed to get the main parts out.