Blue Soul: Epicsal
Ender dragon: Dungeon_Keeper
Flowey: Flowey_The_Memer
Wubbox: YourLocalWubbox
Gaster: ._Gaster_.
AstroSlime: AstroSlime
The Human Souls: thesevensouls
Papyrus: NyehHehHeh
Demoman: papyrus_fan_tf2_demolad
Woshua: Me
Fish With Beret And Moustache: PaintedFish
Jevil: chaosguy5
Baby Wolf: JakeTheWolf
Epic!Sans: MultiverseCreator941
Mettaton Wheezing: Mettaton.EX
Napstablook: Napstablook_The_Ghost
10K points icon: Memez_cool
Gaster Wut: Gaster_Bruh
SomeRandomer Icon: somerandomer
Clown Emoji: The_Clown_Around_Town
Yippee: TheKingYippee
Blue Orb: Kamehamhacha9004
Alastor: AlastorInUndertaleButKeegeIsKage
sorry I forgot about PlatinumMakesMemes and Traitor74 just pretend that they are there