Satan was cast into the Pit for 1000 years in May 2003 by the spoken words of one person who was free of sin [refer to Revelation 20:1-3]. The sentencing date is NOT in the Bible because if Satan knew about it, he would have tried to prevent it.
The job was done undercover, starting in March 1993, when the Most High contacted Dr. James Alexander Robertson to train, become free of sin, and do the job in May 2003, to speak out Satan's crimes against humanity, including getting humans to break all Ten Commandments, then Dr. Robertson called for Mika'El {michael} and Gavri'El {gabriel} to carry out the sentence [in the Spirit dimension], to cast Satan into the Abyss for the final 1000 years until Judgment Day.
In May 2003, all Grace and Mercy given by Father Yah was fully withdrawn for believers (in any religion) breaking Commandments 1 and 2.
{Jesus} was never a Hebrew name NOR anything in relation to his actual name Yahooshua which means 'Yah is Salvation'
Numbers 6:27 is the reason why the Bible has over 100 names that include the name of the Almighty Creator i.e. IsaYahoo {isaiah}, EliYahoo {elijah}, Yahooshua {joshua}, etc. -- The letter J did NOT exist back then, until the year 1524, used as a variation of the letter I and may substitute the letter y, such as in Yehovah and HalleluYah, etc.
Hebrew names had meaning, with the double o to include a phrase, such as Yahooshua: Yah is Salvation, Yahoochanan: Yah has Graced, EliYahoo: my beloved Mighty One is Yah, etc. etc.
It was only by Father's extended Grace that He allowed humans to break Commandment 1 and 2 for the first 6000 years from Creation of Adam because so few people had access to the truths back then --
i.e. Grace for the Trinity concept (the Spirit of Yah performed miracles and spoke through Yahooshua, sometimes in 1st person perspective, only AFTER the 40-day fast), Grace given for false worship of any Book praised as His 'Word' and without error, false worship of idols; the Buddha, sculptures, paintings, figurines, Muhammad falsely praised as the final Spokesman aka 'Prophet', false worship of the Cross, the Virgin, using blasphemous terms, using incorrect names in Hinduism, etc. --
All Grace was fully withdrawn in May 2003.
May YOU do what Adam, Enoch, Nuh{Noah}, Abraham, Moses, Yahooshua, Muhammad, the Buddha, Hindi, Bahai, Yogi, Martin Luther, and many others have done, seek your own DIRECT DEEP personal relationship with the omnipresent Almighty Creator [in the mind]