The average day at school (PART 2); you’re the last survivor; but where are you; you realize you’re lost; you realize that everyone d!ed when the school got destroyed…; …including Jaden; you start to miss Jaden; you then realize that finding your way back home is more important; someone repidly approaches you…; …it’s 50 cent; 50 cent takes you with him but you realize that he took you to a random gas station in the middle of no where; you open google maps to see where you are and realize that you’re in Wyoming, nearly 2000 miles away from home; and there’s no one around since 50 cent walked away; you walk around Wyoming and find nothing, no people, no civilization, nothing; all hope is lost at this point.. until you find a car that still works. you drive for miles until you finally end up in NYC again but something feels different.. then realize that you’re in the future and the current day is March 9th, 2029; you try to call your family and friends but no one answers.. you then remember that they all d!ed.. you try to call 50 cent but he doesn't answer either.. it is then said on the news that 50 cent was m9rdered in Lexington Kentucky; “but wait, that doesn't sound right, 50 cent was in Wyoming with me just yesterday” you say to yourself, that’s when you realize that that car could change the time; you take the car back to Wyoming to find out what year you were in when you were there, you get there and find out that it’s 2010 and you were in a c0ma for almost a decade.. you drive the car to California to see if that changes the timeline.. it does and it’s 2004 now and you run into 50 cent in LA but he m9rders you; you wake up in h3ll.. part 3?