so you're saying..?
i honestly don't see a difference between these two concepts, trans rights is just a different spelling of human rights. like bro what's there to piss yourself about. it's a right to be what you yourself can be.
Transphobic people and Twitter users: "NuH UhHh! 😵💫 tRaNs PeOpLe aRe DaNgErOuS aNd ArE sUiCiDaL aNd i HaTe ThEm FoR eXpReSsiNg ThEmSeLvEs iN SuCh DeRoGaToRy WaYs!… 🥴 Yak Yak Yak"
:0 wOw dO yOu mEaN qUeEr pEoPlE aRe sTiLl hUmAn bEiNgS wHo JuSt sEe ThEmSeLvEs dIfFeReNtLy aNd fEel sPeCiFic eMoTioNs dIfFeRanTLy, bUt StiLL dEsErVe tHe SaMe rIgHts aS eVerYoNe ElSe DeSpItE tHeIr DifFeRanCes? WoAh mInD bLowN!