In the Periodic States Of Mendelevia, MC and William are considered adults but not irl because the age of majority is 13. But the minimum age of parenthood is 18. They're in the first stage of adulthood.
The minimum drinking age (coffee) is 12. Alcohol was banned in Mendelevia because it affected driving. Smoking is also banned in Mendelevia because it turned their lungs grey. The age of consent is 18.
13 year olds can vote in presidential elections.
But for lottery tickets and casinos? 17.
Minimum age for social media is 13.
Minimum age to appear in adult media is 18.
Bluranth's minimum age to use the services is 15 because their headquarters are located in Krypton.
The reason why the age of majority in Mendelevia is 13 because of impatience, more independence for pre-adults (used to be 16 until 1998-2000)
The minimum age to drive? 8. But under-13 year olds MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian because you must be 13 to have a driver's license. Gacha Life is banned in most states of Mendelevia because people made illegal material in it. The minimum working age is 12. But for dangerous ones, the age must be raised. The minimum age to have a credit card is 13. And lastly, the minimum age for buying graffiti? It's 13. But they must not be used for vandalism.