Okay, y'all, so earlier in math class, while I was scrambling to find a paper that I didn't currently need, stressed out af bc my binder is SUPER unorganized and I thought I needed it and didn't have it, my teacher came up to me and said I was missing a Quizziz (quizziz is just an educational quiz game in case you didn't know) and I said, while still stressing about my paper "yeah, I'm so sorry." knowing I can just cover it during study hall, then he says "you know I can't remember the last time you actually turned a quizziz in on time....also, you're doing this in your notebook" (we were doing a problem he had on the whiteboard) and that sentence rlly stressed me out because I'm like "holy f**king shit I'm falling behind! THAT'S BAD!" so then while I'm trying to do math, I keep zoning out, and stressing because I think that I'm failing, so my brain is trying to f**king fixate on 2 different issues at once, so I was struggling to focus on the task at hand, then the idiot that sits in front of me was being annoying and loud, which caused my teacher to crash out out of the BLUE, and despite that he wasn't yelling at me, I got more stressed, because just hearing people yell scares me. So then he gives us a paper, and sends us off to work with a friend, so I go over to my friend, still super stressed out, and ask if they wanna work with me. She agrees, so we sat on the floor together, then that's when I start to have an anxiety attack. My heart rate speeds up, I'm shaking, my breath quickens, and I start crying and rambling about how I'm afraid that I'm gonna fail math and be a huge dissapointment, and she's trying to help me out, but I could barely pay attention to what they were saying because I was trying to calm down, so I just did the thing from The Owl House where they count with their fingers as they take deep breaths, and it finally stops, aside from my hand still shaking, then realizing that we've been at the paper for like 5 minutes already and I haven't done a single problem. Not to mention I was on the WRONG SIDE OF THE PAGE, then the teacher comes over, looks at my paper, and dissapointedly points out that I have nothing done. Now, in his defense, he was busy and didn't notice the fact that I was casually crying in a corner with my friend, but it was still a shitty thing to hear after that happening, and then my bestie gives me a hug, and helps me get through the paper. so ya! that's my silly lil' story for you all:3