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then (((-(( WE'LL CONTINUE UNTIL MATCHING FONT SIZE OF VERTI CALS AND HORIZON TALS)-))) one is no more A Poor Tea Maker instead is yes less A Fine Tea Failer. Not all IMR are so analytic, yet perhaps the paradox example can rope guys in. I mean Cantor roped in most thou ghtful guys on the planet for like a century with what amounts to an illusion. It's the fairy tell connection between Holly wood and The God father Realm that makes this gangster flick work so well romantically. Though IRM are very serious business. It's telling that even in non- paradoxic example the magical realism with so much a magical real ism is more difficult to process and so much more effective as magic. I've heard magical realism des cribe as a dying form of fiction. It is the case because there so much magic, literally a . magical voice at its best/worst. We'll get to that below. What is magic in a place where magic accomplishes everything. It's unnoticed. In a place where love is physics however magic has infinite powers. Because love is the magic that needs no ex planation to those -especially females- exper iencing it most fully? And hence is a- magical! The IRM works by catapulting the possibly love sick or at least love lorn back in to the reality of everyday life as dis- magical; . Like a kōan that can never be figured out the mind asks "in what universe is are The Tea- makerless exceptional. Well clearly only in this movie beca use absolutely everywhere else this kind of exceptio nality from The Hitch Hik ers Guide To The Gala xy where it is lambasted to every dictionary ever printed where it has no mention whatsoever. The movie fantasy from this one line becomes a unique experience of love resembling all other loves in their own removal from common exis tence. So this relates to ourselves [myself] how. In a library far ago we were given a copy of 'Lond on Fields' by Martin Amis. It was love at first read, very sighted indeed. So the complexity of the prose allowed revi ewers to label; Well if I myself had to ramble on for the quantity of words needed to supply the text for these long vertical caption boxes? (WE GOT INTO THE EFFECTED HABIT OF TRUNCATING RUN-ON SENTENCES WITH A QUESTION MARK. I'd start where I usually start or near there - in this case both due to a coincidence. In the movie "London Boulevard" we hear our anti-hero consoling our anti-heroin that it would be -(WE'LL MOVE TO THE NEXT TEXT BOX WHEN THE INITIAL AUTO-CARRIAGE RETURN OCCURS, HOPEFULLY BEFORE THE TEXT BECOMES UNREADABLY SMALL AND/OR TOO EXHAUSTING TO KEEP TYPING)- 'weird if she could make tea.' We have a theory about romantic comedies as a genre. Each film in the genre has a conspiratorial moment of magical realism. The momentous scene and the crucial are really quite obvious when one learns how to recognize incongruous magical realism or IMR. (-(WE'RE PROCEEDING TO NEXT CAPTION BOX)-) Males never recognize IMR normally because the entire every ROM-COM from a less than emotive perspective appears riddled with illogicality and irresponsibility if not entirely a riddle irrespectively. So, the proverbial needle in a haystack. Females, on the other hand are genuinely in the dark, which makes the IRM practically subliminal brainwashing. No one 'ever' is to blame; the message just happen and is in turn the unconscious power of the film makers. We first recognized this after watching "Mannequin" almost 100 times: "That's something you would never understand." Anyway, how could it be exceptionally noteworthy for anyone to fail tea-making class. When one cannot make tea by definition the failure resides as much in the non-act being unnoteworthy. If one, as the famous actor character in this instance appears to become, is renowned for their poor tea... this spade not a spade. It's all magi cal realism exactly the kind that upends the barriers between the fictional and factual worlds exactly in a way that obliterates the perspective on magical realism for readers and magic for characters. So in our mind phrase after phrase would be contempla ted as a mystery Ko an mantra through the days weeks months years and decades th at followed. We in deci phering actual quite literal advice to our own particu lar shame could imagine a world of love renewed again and again and again times seven.