if they add blue angels it would be a pass, thunderbirds would be free (cus orange isnt adding anymore passes), i would also bet the 'nam (aka camo) livery is being added along with sum CAG (Carrier air group/commander plane eg: the f-14 grim reapers or f-18 jolly rogers in ptfs), i would also bet if they add the 'nam livery it would have the shark tooth, because that version is the most common form for the vietnam war. Vf-111 (aardvarks) could be added as that is another common paint scheme that is seen. There will be a lot of liveries on the f4, it's pretty obvious - more than 5 will most likely be added. He adds Common liveries to fighters; which there are a ton of common f4 phantom liveries. I'll send a f4 livery chart in a sec (sorry for the long message)