“Under the regime of the bourgeoisie, the workers always fall into the hands of the possessors, i.e., of those who have any bit of state property at their disposal, especially money and land; therefore, into the hands of the capitalists"
You can't blame an idea for someone doing horrible things using the idea for a justification.
The idea of saving the world caused Ultron to try to wipe humans from the planet does that make the very idea of saving the world wrong? Thanos wiping half of the universe was caused by the idea of saving hunger, poverty and overpopulation, does that make the idea wrong?
cecil rhodes founded the de beers diamond company as you may know and exploited the people of southern africa merely for his own personal gain
he also influenced attitudes towards apartheid (which was not a boer invention) and the tweede vryheidsoorlog which lead to the pain and deaths of many