Nearly losing hope, he tries to think of something else, but then... A body swoops in and catches Rico in time. Rico now finds himself being carried by his mother.
"Gotcha!", Setuh said putting him on the ground.
"Oh... Thanks, mum-.", Rico was about to sigh in relief, until a certain fist punches his mother hard in the face.
Being launched a few yards away into the long grass, Setuh covers her face in pain. Byrd - the one who punched her - smiled, glad that he was able to get back at her sister.
"Oh, Byrd!", Setuh shouted, covering one of her eyes, "What was that for?!".
"ShUt uP AnD fOcUs On tHe SESsIon!", appallingly mocked Byrd, "That's what you said five minutes ago, didn'tcha, muppet?!".
Struggling not to talk back, Setuh looked down, closed her eyes, and tried to settle down. Ten seconds later, she looked back up and gave off a smug face. It was a fair game for their rivalry...
Byrd grimly smiled and shook his head. He knows that she’s nothing more or less than a bitch-smelling sister to him. Leaving that behind, he turned around to face…
Where’s Rico?
Scratching his head, Byrd wondered and asked,
“For gods sake… Where did that little runt run off to now-“.
Byrd felt something tough kick upwards into his scrotum from behind. In agony, his eyes widened and forehead began sweating like a waterfall. Soon, he let out an ear piercing scream of pain. He steered right around to see who was responsible, and much to his surprise…
“RICO?!”, Byrd screamed in pain and shock again, holding his privates to comfort the damage they took.
Rico stumbled back, flabbergasted and sorry. His head shook even more than it did minutes ago. This wasn’t his tactic. He didn’t mean for this to happen.
“U-Uncle Byrd!”, he whimpered in fear, “I-IM SO SORRY!”.
Byrd groaned in anger, still holding onto his scrotum. He fell on the floor and writhed himself in pain.
“What the actual hell?!”, he furiously yowled.
“I-I didn’t mean for this to happen!”, Rico said trying to calm the situation down, “I was aiming for your bum!”.
“Yeah! The hell you were! You’re shit lucky I’m not feeling any bleeding comin out, or else you would’ve been toast you flippin’ bellend! Agh… shit!”.