Well, it's a long story. Rox, one of DW's developer was revealed to have drawn Porn of minors, talk inappropriately with minors, etc etc. Thankfully he was banned, but people still use the Rox situation as an attempt to hate Dandys World
I can see why, but I believe people should not expect a negative experience from Dandy's World entirely because of a few bad takes in the mascot horror sub-genre (Garten of Banban to be exact). Most of the people I've seen who try to hate Dandy's World entirely because it's mascot horror, never even played the game before.
1. I said don't mention the community
2. Only if YouTube is the only reason you are aware of Dandys World's existence lol. Actually play the game and it's not really brainrot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3. Not only lol, all your doing is stereotyping Dandys World, pretty much shows that you can't come up with an actual reason to hate Dandys World
look back at your comment, its says "List me 3 valid reason that Dandy's World sucks other than 'Rox is a pedo' and 'The community is toxic'", and i said "1. the community are creeps". different things, bro
Why tf are we talking about user names now? My username is just a simple joke, and has nothing to do with my actual personality. Now stfu already and admit that there is no real reason to hate Dandys World.
Dude, you playing Dandy's World? That game is so childish, and it's not even scary. Plus, one of the developers was a child diddler, you are supporting the work of a predator!